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Transcendia, a leader in custom engineered materials for critical product components in a wide range of markets and applications, today completed the acquisition of Marshall Plastic Film. The acquisition broadens Transcendia’s material science expertise, industry leading service, and extensive technology platform into engineered polyethylene films.
Changing the name of Transilwrap Co. Inc. to Transcendia Inc. is a nod to the past, a recognition of what the specialty films company has become and a look to the future. Finding a new identity is a move the Franklin Park, Ill.-based company has been contemplating for a couple of years now.
Franklin Park, IL - Transilwrap Company, Inc., today announced that the company has changed its name to Transcendia.
One Stop for All Your Small Format Digital Printing Needs Made Xtreme. Made Tuff.
Transilwrap Company, Inc., a value-added manufacturer, converter and distributor of specialty film products used in healthcare, packaging, point-of purchase, display advertising, security identification, protective and industrial markets, today completed the acquisition of The Dow Chemical Company’s (NYSE: DOW) Global Specialty Films business.
Transilwrap Company, Inc., a value-added manufacturer, converter and distributor of specialty film products used in healthcare, packaging, point-of purchase, display advertising, security identification, protective and industrial markets, has signed a letter of intent to acquire The Dow Chemical Company’s global Specialty Films business.
Transilwrap Company, Inc., the premier manufacturer, converter and distributor of plastic films, is proud to announce the addition of its newest extrusion line. This investment increases production capacity of graphics-grade styrene and synthetic paper products by 35% and allows Transilwrap to produce both rolls and sheets up to 70” wide.
Transilwrap Company, Inc., a value-added manufacturer, converter and distributor of specialty film products, has acquired Ellis Industrial Packaging.
FRANKLIN PARK, IL – Transilwrap Company, Inc., the premier manufacturer, converter and distributor of plastic films, is proud to announce the addition of its newest liquid coating line. This investment will greatly increase production capacity and broaden capabilities to provide customers with a wider range of custom film solutions.